First Tour of potential hospital i will be at next year.
So on Friday i toured Mount Sinai Medical Center in South beach (Miami FL) which is a potential rotation place i may be at. At our school theres a list of core rotation sites that you rank in order of your personal preference. And there is a school lottery on how you get matched to the list you submit. Usually students get their top 3 choices. As of right now im leaning towards Broward General Hospital, Mt. Sinai hospital, Memorial Hospital, VA hospital.
So a 3rd year med student gave us a tour of Mt. Sinai which is a pretty good hospital. Its got a good amount of residency programs and fellowships. All in all i liked the hospital. It was kind of old, but it was pretty big. I got to see the VIP floor(8th floor) where the patient rooms have wood floors, sofas, etc. Pretty much the rich patients get the VIP rooms. Also got to walk thru the ICU and got a chance to see the kind of computer system they are using to input pt. logs and lab values. The library they have is small but its open 24 hrs. The place seems like a maze and our tour guide said it took him about a month to get fully comfortable on moving from place to place.
Mostly this rotation site has nothing but good things going on: free breakfast/lunch, free parking, Q3 which means i'll be on call every 3rd day - and the student said they pretty much get let out by 7pm during those call days. Another good thing is that there isnt THAT many spanish speaking patients. prolly 3:1 english to spanish speakers.
The one bad thing that he said was that opportunity to do procedures was lacking. But he said if you be proactive and ask the residents and interns if you want to do something they generally will allow it.
Here is the map of the hospital that i MAY end up this coming July! So exciting to just think about seeing patients all day. But first i have to get through 2nd year, not to mention the dreaded Boards!
So a 3rd year med student gave us a tour of Mt. Sinai which is a pretty good hospital. Its got a good amount of residency programs and fellowships. All in all i liked the hospital. It was kind of old, but it was pretty big. I got to see the VIP floor(8th floor) where the patient rooms have wood floors, sofas, etc. Pretty much the rich patients get the VIP rooms. Also got to walk thru the ICU and got a chance to see the kind of computer system they are using to input pt. logs and lab values. The library they have is small but its open 24 hrs. The place seems like a maze and our tour guide said it took him about a month to get fully comfortable on moving from place to place.
Mostly this rotation site has nothing but good things going on: free breakfast/lunch, free parking, Q3 which means i'll be on call every 3rd day - and the student said they pretty much get let out by 7pm during those call days. Another good thing is that there isnt THAT many spanish speaking patients. prolly 3:1 english to spanish speakers.
The one bad thing that he said was that opportunity to do procedures was lacking. But he said if you be proactive and ask the residents and interns if you want to do something they generally will allow it.
Here is the map of the hospital that i MAY end up this coming July! So exciting to just think about seeing patients all day. But first i have to get through 2nd year, not to mention the dreaded Boards!