Another step in life
So..on 2/18/09 i asked tracy to marry me. We have been dating for over 5 years now, and have known each other for over 10 years. We love each other, and i will always be by her side no matter what..Even tho the set up was nice and all, she had an idea that it was going to happen, nonetheless she loved it..

How it went down: So when i bought the ring a couple of months prior the case it came in had an LED light in the case, so whenever you opened the case it would turn the LED light on. My original plan was to make use of this aspect and propose on the beach at night th
e brightness of the light/diamond would be accentua
ted. But a couple of things went against that idea; firstly we never go on the beach at night, so doing so randomly
may arouse suspicion and secondly i wanted to get the picture of it and it is damn near impossible to have good night time photos on the fly. So a couple of months pass, hoping to draw some sort of inspiration, and when we went to see Neyo on 2/11/09 we were at the bayside marketplace for dinner prior to the show and it was located on the bay where a lot of boats and yachts were docked. We mentioned that it would be cool to go boating together, so thats how i got my inspiration. I ended up chartering a private yacht with a captain and taking her out to see the sunset and the nightlights of the miami skyline. All in all i wouldnt have changed anything. I know she expected it, but we have been talkin about marriage for at least a year now and i dont think i wouldve ever totally surprised her sinc
e she knows me so well. I am lucky to have found my best f
riend and soul mate early on and my only wish is for both of us as well as our friends and family to have good health.

I think i did a decent job of the ring, considering how TK told me that she didnt want any side diamonds on the ring, and that she just wanted it to be simple. I didnt mind because i think simple rings are timeless and elegant. It is a 1 carat round cut diamond with a platinum band

Oh ..and i hired this guy to get all the footage: hes pretty ninja... well worth the money =)