I skipped class today..and just mainly sat around doing nothing, it was awesome...And my classmates got me an awesome card and my Histology prof made everyone in histo lab sing happy bday for me, fucking embarassing but hey only 1 day a year i guess. Tons of people wished me happy bday old friends and new friends alike, so its coo.. The plan is to go out for dinner and drinks Thurs nite, since we have no school on friday..i'll post up pics later. I <3 my med school buddies as well as all u guys from back home!! Miss yall!! Mark your calendars, 12/15 ill be bax in Houston

I skipped class today..and just mainly sat around doing nothing, it was awesome...And my classmates got me an awesome card and my Histology prof made everyone in histo lab sing happy bday for me, fucking embarassing but hey only 1 day a year i guess. Tons of people wished me happy bday old friends and new friends alike, so its coo.. The plan is to go out for dinner and drinks Thurs nite, since we have no school on friday..i'll post up pics later. I <3 my med school buddies as well as all u guys from back home!! Miss yall!! Mark your calendars, 12/15 ill be bax in Houston